Hello World
So, if you're reading this, odds are you're coming in from The Hardball Times, where studes
deemed this little old project link-worthy, or from a site that picked up on THT's mention. However you got here, let me thank you for stopping by, and offer a huge thanks to studes and anyone who posted an entry anywhere about Clutchiness.
Now that you're here, you probably have some questions. Over on the right, you'll see links to
The Stat,
The Site, and
The Inspiration. Each of these should help you make sense of the numbers you'll see around here, but if you have additional questions, hit up the comments or the email link, also on the right.
Finally, I should note that it's actually pretty fortuitous that you're all here today. The few pre-THT visitors will note that updates have been a bit sporadic over the last week or so. I've been finishing up a big project in that whole "real world" place, but it came to a close earlier this morning. Which means we should be back to nearly-daily updates starting today.
Check back towards the end of the day, when the numbers will be updated. Yes, though the formulas are automated, the data entry is still by hand.
And once again, thanks to
tangotiger, studes, and every person reading this post.